Bachelor of Science
- higher education entrance qualification (Abitur), subject-related higher education entrance qualification or entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)
- You don't have a higher education entrance qualification but you have work experience? Find out about studying without High School Diploma.
- Admission is open to those who have a medical certificate of suitability for the profession.
- Please take into account that successful completion of the program includes practical training in health care facilities. For near-patient jobs, there are immunization status verification requirements for certain diseases.
1. registration hochschulstart.de
First you register on www.hochschulstart.de, then you click on the activation link and receive your Applicant Identification Number (BID) and Applicant Authentication Number (BAN). Please note that this activation link is only valid for 72 hours after registration at Hochschulstart, after this time it is no longer possible to use the link. Make a note of both numbers as they will be required in the application process through this online application portal. Please note that multiple registrations are not allowed and that multiple registration is not permitted.
2. registration campusportal.eah-jena.de
With the two numbers - BID and BAN - you then register in our application portal by clicking on the menu item "To register". You will then automatically receive a message with the access data and the activation code to verify your e-mail address. Immediately afterwards, check your e-mail inbox (and spam folder if necessary) and confirm your e-mail address by either clicking on the activation link or entering the activation code in the "E-mail confirmation" menu item in the application portal.
3. add application form and enter data electronically (upload supporting documents if necessary)
Now log in with your access data and add an application by first selecting the degree, the degree program and the corresponding semester. Please enter all necessary data carefully in the online application portal. While entering the data, depending on your academic background, you may need to upload some digital evidence. Have all necessary information and evidence ready in electronic form. You can apply for a maximum of 3 admission-restricted bachelor's degree programs.
5. process of study place allocation
The University of Applied Sciences Jena carries out the allocation procedure on the basis of the information you provided in your online application and sends the ranking lists to Hochschulstart. If you have achieved a high ranking in the selection process, you will receive an offer of admission after the process has been completed. If you have applied for several admission-restricted Bachelor's degree programs (max. 3 possible) and have achieved a high ranking on the ranking list due to the score you obtained in the selection process, it is possible that you will receive several offers of admission in the course of this process. After you have accepted an offer of admission or an offer of admission has been directly converted into an admission, the results of the procedure will be sent to you in the form of an electronic decision or an electronic notification from Hochschulstart by e-mail.
6. apply for enrollment digitally (if an offer of admission is available)
If you have received an offer of admission, you should carefully consider whether you want to accept the offered study place. The acceptance of a study place takes place via Hochschulstart.
7. send enrollment application along with documents by mail (if an offer of admission has been made and you have accepted it).
Please print out the application for enrollment (PDF) and sign it. Then you should send it together with all the documents listed in the Application for Enrollment (PDF) and necessary for enrollment by mail to the address indicated on the application for enrollment within the relevant period (10 days after the date of notification).
8. enrollment is done
As soon as the enrollment documents have been received by postal service at the of Applied Sciences Jena and the enrollment is completed, you will receive a starter package with the following documents by mail from the registration office of the university:
- provisional student ID
- certificate of study
- certificate for the application of BAföG
- starter booklet
- information about the start of your studies
The so-called admission limit (colloquially "NC") is not determined by the university, but is the result of the study place allocation procedure. It depends on the number of admissions (number of study places) as well as the number of applicants and their average grade/ranking points.
For this reason, it is not possible to predict the admission limit (NC) for future admission procedures.
The NC for the winter semester 2022/23 was grade of 2.3 or ranking points of 34.
1) Necessary documents are to be submitted in electronic form for the online application:
- Copy of your university entrance qualification (high school diploma, certificate of secondary technical school, etc.)
- for studies without university entrance qualification: copy of your professional training certificate, proof of at least 3 years of professional activity as well as a completed study advising form, signed by the department
- in case of professional qualification: proof of confirmed professional training of at least 400 hours and certificate of the final grade
- in the case you have already completed a study degree: documents relating to the previous course of study (certificate of exmatriculation, certificate of course of study to date with details of the course of study, number of semesters and details of semesters on leave of absence; copy of the degree certificate from the first course of study) and letter of motivation
- in case of hardship application: informal application with officially certified proofs
- for international applicants: Copy of the conditional admission, secondary school certificate, proof of previous study periods, proof of German language proficiency, foundation college certificate
- if applicable, proof of professional qualification, duration of professional activity or practical activities and qualifications
- if applicable, proof of military or alternative service, voluntary service
2) Once you have been admitted to the desired course of study, you apply for enrollment electronically and then send the following documents to University of Applied Science Jena by postal service:
- printed and signed application for enrollment (generated after the electronic application for enrollment)
- current copy of your passport or identification document
- certified copy of your university entrance qualification (high school diploma, technical college diploma, etc.)
- curriculum vitae in table form (optional)
- relevant documents on your educational background in certified form (school, vocational training, skilled worker or journeyman certificate, etc.)
- for studies without university entrance qualification: certified copy of the professional training certificate, proof of at least 3 years of professional activity as well as completed and approved study advising form, signed by the department
- In case of professional qualification: certified proof of confirmed further vocational training of at least 400 hours and final grade
- Foundation college certificate: Exmatriculation certificate
- in case of second degree: documents on previous studies (certificate of exmatriculation, certificate of course of studies to date with details of course of study, number of semesters as well as details of semesters of leave of absence, officially certified degree certificate of first degree)
- for international applicants: copy of the conditional admission, secondary school certificate/ proof of previous study periods/ proof of German as a foreign language in certified form, Feststellungszeugnis (in certified form)
- in case of hardship application: informal application with officially certified proofs
- In the case of an application for compensation for disadvantages (grade): informal application with officially certified evidence
- if applicable, proof of military service or alternative service
- bank statement with proof of payment of semester fees
- Please note: Proof of health insurance is only provided electronically. Please inform yourself about the new student registration procedure
- medical certificate of suitability for the profession
- You can have certifications made, for example, by municipal authorities (e.g. city council), health insurance companies or a notary. Otherwise, you can bring your original certificates with you and show them to us when you hand in your application documents in person.
- In your own interest, please make sure that the documents you submit are complete, otherwise your application may be processed with a delay.
- Please do not send us any originals unless this is expressly requested.
- Please understand that we cannot confirm receipt of your application by telephone. If you wish to receive a confirmation of receipt, please enclose a stamped postcard with your address. The confirmation of receipt does not include a check for completeness or correctness of the application documents.
How does the selection and procedure of study place allocation work?
All applicants are placed in different ranking lists (=quotas). Different numbers of study places are allocated in the ranking lists. Those who are highest in the ranking list have the greatest chance of receiving an offer of admission.
According to the current Thuringian Study Place Allocation Ordinance (ThürStudienplatzVVO), study places are allocated proportionally to the following quotas:
Advance quota:
- 2 % Exceptional hardship constellations.
- 3 % Applicants who have already obtained a degree in Germany (second degree application)
- 8 % Applicants who have obtained their university entrance qualification outside Germany (international application), including graduates of preparatory studies
- 5 % Vocationally qualified
Main quota:
20 % according to higher education entrance qualification, e.g., Abitur, Fachhochschulreife
- 80 % according to the supplementary university selection procedure weighted by:
- max. 60 points according to the grade of the university entrance qualification
- max. 40 points according to vocational qualification, professional activity or extracurricular qualifications relevant to the course of study.
How is the order determined in the quotas?
In the preliminary quotas, the order in the quotas for foreign applicants and vocationally qualified persons is determined by the average grade of the university entrance qualification. According to § 31 ThürStudienplatzVVO, a measurement number is determined for second degree applicants, which is based on the final grade of the first degree and the reasons for a second degree.
In the main quotas, 20% of the places are allocated only according to the criterion of the average grade of the university entrance qualification. This means that an applicant with an average grade of 1.2 is ranked higher than an applicant with an average grade of 2.5.
In addition, the University of Applied Sciences Jena awards the remaining 80% of the study places in the university selection procedure according to special criteria. For each criterion you receive points with which you can improve your ranking points and thus your ranking position.
Selection procedure of the University of Applied Sciences Jena for the study program Social Work:
In addition to the university entrance qualification, the following criteria are taken into account according to the university selection procedure regulations of the University of Applied Sciences Jena:
1. selection criterion "professional training" according to § 6 b Abs. 2 Satz 2 Nr. c ThürHZG:
Provided that proof of completed vocational training in one of the occupations listed in catalog 1 or in a comparable occupation is provided, this will be recognized with 20 ranking points on the applicant ranking list.
2. selection criterion "professional experience" according to § 6 b Abs. 2 Satz 2 Nr. c ThürHZG:
Professional experience of at least 10 hours per week in the recognized profession is additionally recognized with 5 - 15 ranking points on the applicant ranking list, depending on the duration.
3. selection criterion "special previous education, practical activities, extracurricular achievements or extracurricular qualifications" according to § 6 b Abs.2 Satz 2 Nr. d ThürHZG:
For the activities or qualifications mentioned in catalog 2, 5 ranking points are awarded once.
In the application portal, please only select "yes" to the relevant fields if they correspond to the recognized qualifications listed in the information sheet and upload the corresponding proof in the application portal so that the staff of the Student Registrar's Office can check your information.
- Information on the selection criteria.
Lottery procedure
If there are still study places available or have become available again after the end of the allocation procedures, these will be drawn by lot among all interested applicants. You can participate regardless of your grade point average. Simply fill out the application form below and send it by mail or e-mail to the Registrar's Office.
University Access
You can check whether your school-leaving certificate gives you direct access to German universities or whether you need to complete additional work, e.g. in the form of years of study in your home country or attendance at a Studienkolleg in Germany. The database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will help you step by step. After a few clicks you will know whether you have direct access or not. Did you not find your country? Then please search the database anabin.
Conditional admission
You want to apply as an international applicant without a German university entrance qualification for a bachelor program at the University of Applied Sciences Jena? Then please apply online via the application portal of Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena (selection: Studienkolleg/Sprachvorbereitung). Your application will be reviewed by us for a fee. You can find an overview of the application fees here.
Important information
If you already have experience in a field of study and would like to enter a higher semester, this is generally possible at University of Applied Sciences Jena. However, there are a few special points to note when applying, and our contact persons for entry into higher semesters will be happy to help you with these.
The THOSKA (Thuringian University and Student Union Card) is your student ID as well as your semester ticket in chip card form. You will receive it at the THOSKA office at the beginning of the semester. Each semester you have to pay a semester fee.
If you would like to cancel your enrollment, please send us the complete starter package together with the application form for cancellation of enrollment and the application form for fee refund by the end of the previous semester (31.03./30.09.). In this case, we will delete your enrollment and you will be considered as not enrolled for the entire semester. According to the current fee regulations of the University of Applied Sciences Jena, a cancellation fee of 25,00 Euro will be charged, which will be deducted from the refund of the semester fee. If you return the semester documents too late or not completely, you can only deregister by submitting an application form for de-registration. The paid semester fee cannot be refunded.