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Student Registrar's Office

The Registrar's Office as part of the Student Service Centre (SZS) is available to prospective and current students for all study-related questions.

Application and admission

We answer your questions about application and enrolment for Bachelor's degree programmes. You can find out about the admission and enrolment requirements for all Bachelor's degree programmes. If you have any problems with your online application, please contact us.

Organisational aspects of studying

The Student Registrar's Office is responsible for various administrative procedures (e.g. re-registration, de-registration). We support you with all questions relating to your study planning, such as leave of absence, a change of degree programme or part-time studies.

Forms and downloads

Here you will find the most important forms and applications for prospective and current students.

Information on long-term study fees

Long-term tuition fees are due as soon as a certain number of semesters of higher education have been exceeded.

Office hours

(Kopie 1)

Tuesday09.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
Thursdays13.00 - 15.00

and outside office hours by prior appointment


Team of the Student Registrar's Office

Andrea Hendrich
  • 01.00.10
Andrea Hendrich
Jessica Müller
  • 01.00.10
Jessica Müller