Bachelor of Engineering
Prospective students should have a strong interest in natural science subjects, especially biology and chemistry, as well as a high degree of enthusiasm for technical issues. The choice of a natural science profile in the Abitur level is recommended. Good previous knowledge of the English language facilitates the reception of textbooks and technical publications. A positive attitude towards numbers and equations is essential for understanding, especially the engineering aspects of the degree.
- higher education entrance qualification (Abitur), subject-related higher education entrance qualification or entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)
- you don't have a higher education entrance qualification but you have work experience? Find out about studying without High School Diploma.
1. registration
Bitte bewerbe Dich auf unserer Bewerbungsplattform oder klicke auf der rechten Seite auf das Feld "Hier einschreiben". Sobald Du im Campusportal den Menüpunkt „Jetzt registrieren“ anklickst, wirst Du als erstes aufgefordert, für die Registrierung Deine persönlichen Daten einzugeben. Um eine reibungslose Kommunikation zwischen Dir und der Hochschule während des Einschreibeprozesses zu gewährleisten, bitten wir Dich, eine E-Mail-Adresse anzugeben, welche Du aktiv benutzt. Nach der Registrierung wirst Du automatisch eine Nachricht mit den Zugangsdaten sowie den Freischaltcode für Deine E-Mail-Adresse erhalten. Kontrolliere bitte deshalb gleich danach Deinen E-Mail-Posteingang (ggf. auch den Spam-Ordner) und bestätige Deine E-Mail-Adresse, indem Du entweder auf den Aktivierungslink klickst oder den Freischaltcode im Menüpunkt „E-Mail-Verifikation“ im Bewerbungsportal eingibst.
Hinweis: Bitte registriere Dich nur einmal, auch wenn Du Dich für mehr als einen Studiengang bewerben möchtest.
Bei zulassungsfreien Studiengängen ist Dir der Studienplatz sicher. Du kannst Dich deshalb nur für einen zulassungsfreien Studiengang bewerben/einschreiben.
2. add application form and enter data electronically (upload supporting documents if necessary)
Du wählst als erstes den Abschluss und den Studiengang, für welchen Du Dich bewirbst. Bitte gib alle notwendigen Daten im Bewerbungsportal sorgfältig ein. Während der Eingabe der Daten kann es – je nachdem, wie Dein akademischer Hintergrund ist – vorkommen, dass Du einige digitale Nachweise hochladen musst. Halte alle notwendigen Angaben und Nachweise in elektronischer Form bereit.
3. submit application electronically
Am Ende der Bewerbung bestätigst Du die Korrektheit Deiner elektronischen Angaben, indem Du an der entsprechenden Stelle ein Häkchen setzt und Deinen Bewerbungsantrag elektronisch abgibst. Sobald Du den Bewerbungsantrag elektronisch abgegeben hast, wirst Du – sofern Du keine Studienvergangenheit in Deutschland hast bzw. ein internationaler Studienbewerbender bist - im nächsten Schritt automatisch zum Immatrikulationsportal weitergeleitet, um die Immatrikulation im gewünschten Studiengang elektronisch zu beantragen.
4. apply for enrollment electronically
Über das Immatrikulationsportal gibst Du als erstes weitere für die Immatrikulation notwendige Daten elektronisch ein. Diese Angaben werden auf Grundlage von HStatG abgefragt und müssen vollständig eingegeben werden. Nach vollständiger Erfassung der Immatrikulationsdaten gelangst Du mit dem Anklicken von „Digitale Immatrikulation abschließen“ zurück in das Bewerbungsportal, wo Du schließlich den Antrag auf Immatrikulation (PDF-Format) für den beantragten Studiengang findest.
5. send the enrollment application including documents by mail to the University of Applied Sciences Jena
Bitte drucke den PDF-Immatrikulationsantrag aus und unterschreibe diesen. Anschließend solltest Du ihn zusammen mit allen für die Immatrikulation notwendigen Unterlagen (s. Unterlagencheckliste) postalisch an die auf dem Immatrikulationsantrag angegebene Anschrift innerhalb der entsprechenden Frist senden.
6. enrollment completed
Sobald die Immatrikulationsunterlagen an der EAH Jena postalisch eingegangen sind und die Einschreibung erfolgt ist, erhälst Du von dem Studierendensekretariat der Hochschule postalisch ein Starterpaket mit folgenden Unterlagen:
- vorläufiger Studierendenausweis
- Studienbescheinigung
- Bescheinigung zur Beantragung von BAföG
- Starterheft
- Informationen zum Studienstart
1) In the following circumstances, documents must be submitted electronically with the online application:
- if you have already studied in germany: documents on a previous study (complete overview with all examination attempts as well as, if applicable, exmatriculation certificate, in case of a definitively failed examination the corresponding proof, if applicable, degree certificate of the first study)
- for international applicants: Copy of the letter of admission, university entrance qualification, proof of German language, foundation college certificate
- If you belong to one of these two groups, your application will first be checked by the staff of the student registry. You will only be admitted after a successful examination.
2) After successful online application, you apply for enrollment electronically and then send the enrollment documents (see below) to the university by postal service:
- printed and signed application form for enrollment (generated after the electronic application for enrollment)
- copy of your passport or identity document
- certified copy of your university entrance qualification (high school diploma, certificate of secondary technical school, etc.)
- curriculum vitae in table form (optional)
- for studies without higher entrance qualification: certified copy of the vocational training certificate, proof of at least 3 years of professional activity as well as a completed and approved academic advising form, signed by the faculty.
- In case of professional qualification: certified proof of confirmed further professional training of at least 400 hours and certificate of final grade
- in the case of second degree or previous studies: documents on previous studies (certificate of exmatriculation, certificate of course of studies to date with details of the course of study, number of semesters as well as details of semesters on leave of absence, if applicable, officially certified degree certificate from the first degree program)
- bank statement with proof of payment of the semester fee
- addressed and stamped postcard as confirmation of receipt of your application (if desired)
- Please note: Proof of health insurance is only provided electronically. Please inform yourself about the new student registration procedure
- You can have certifications made, for example, by municipal authorities (e.g. city council), health insurance companies or a notary. Otherwise, you can bring your original certificates with you and show them to us when you hand in your application documents in person.
- In your own interest, please make sure that the documents you submit are complete, otherwise your application may be processed with a delay.
- Please do not send us any originals unless this is expressly requested.
- Please understand that we cannot confirm receipt of your application by telephone. If you wish to receive a confirmation of receipt, please enclose a stamped postcard with your address. The confirmation of receipt does not include a check for completeness or correctness of the application documents.
You can check whether your school-leaving certificate gives you direct access to German universities or whether you need to complete additional work, e.g. in the form of years of study in your home country or attendance at a Studienkolleg in Germany. The database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will help you step by step. After a few clicks you will know whether you have direct access or not. Did you not find your country? Then please search the database anabin.
You want to apply as an international applicant without a German university entrance qualification for a bachelor program at University of Applied Sciences Jena? Then please apply online via the application portal of the University of Applied Sciences Jena (selection: Studienkolleg/Sprachvorbereitung). Your application will be reviewed by us for a fee. You can find an overview of the application fees here.
Important information
If you already have experience in a field of study and would like to enter a higher semester, this is generally possible at University of Applied Sciences Jena. However, there are a few special points to note when applying, and our contact persons for entry into higher semesters will be happy to help you with these.
The THOSKA (Thuringian University and Student Union Card) is your student ID as well as your semester ticket in chip card form. You will receive it at the THOSKA office at the beginning of the semester. Each semester you have to pay a semester fee.
If you would like to cancel your enrollment, please send us the complete starter package together with the application form for cancellation of enrollment and the application form for fee refund by the end of the previous semester (31.03./30.09.). In this case, we will delete your enrollment and you will be considered as not enrolled for the entire semester. According to the current fee regulations of the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena, a cancellation fee of 25,00 Euro will be charged, which will be deducted from the refund of the semester fee. If you return the semester documents too late or not completely, you can only deregister by submitting an application form for de-registration. The paid semester fee cannot be refunded.