Bachelor of Science
Teaching and studies shall prepare students for an extended professional activity, including entrepreneurial independence, and provide them with the professional knowledge, skills and methods required for this in accordance with the respective degree programme in such a way that they are enabled to carry out scientific work, to think independently and critically and to act responsibly based on ethical standards and to apply scientific knowledge and methods independently in a free, democratic and social constitutional state.
The Bachelor's degree programme in Nursing/Nursing Management imparts theoretical knowledge and practical competences in nursing science and intermediate nursing management on a scientific basis. Teaching and study are intended to provide students with knowledge, skills and methods based on their professional experience in such a way that they are able to practise nursing in a scientifically sound manner and to assume and shape leadership tasks within the framework of nursing. This includes in particular:
- the independent examination of theories and models of nursing and their significance for nursing management and nursing practice,
- the development and implementation of theory-based concepts in nursing management and nursing practice (especially with regard to nursing procedures and the application of the nursing process in health and care institutions as well as quality management),
- the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams to develop innovative solutions for the various fields of nursing activity as well as in the context of health promotion,
- the conception, planning, implementation and evaluation of own research projects,
- to actively participate in the process of professionalising nursing.
The Bachelor's degree programme in Nursing/Nursing Leadership offers the opportunity for scientific work, application-oriented research and reflection on professional practice.
The study programme is modularised. A module represents a combination of thematically and chronologically coordinated courses in attendance phases and self-study parts. The degree programme consists of 13 compulsory modules plus 1 of 2 compulsory elective modules:
Study section I: 1st and 2nd semesters (60 ECTS): Credit for a successfully completed 3-year training as a nurse, health care and nursing assistant, paediatric nurse, health care and paediatric nurse, midwife/maternity nurse, geriatric nurse.
Study stage II: 3rd to 7th semester (120 ECTS): The structure of the modules, as well as the structural and content-related location in the study programme, can be found in the module handbook.
Attendance times
As a rule, there are 15 days (3 to 4 blocks) of attendance events per semester at the EAH Jena. In addition, there are 1 to 2 days within an examination week (MP1, MP2) for written or oral module examinations.
The attendance events usually take place from 09:30 to 16:45. On the day of departure from 07:45 to 15:00.