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Photo: Sebastian Reuter

Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering

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Application for winter semester 15.05. To 30.09.

The Bachelor's programme lasts seven semesters and concludes with the writing of the Bachelor's thesis and a colloquium. The study programme is characterised by the acquisition of basic, technical and methodological knowledge. In the first semesters, students receive a solid education in mathematics, physics, materials technology and mechanics, among others, but sufficient space is also given to foreign languages. This is followed by application-oriented knowledge transfer in the core areas of mechanical engineering, such as machine elements, design, production technology and energy technology. In addition, the use of computers is an important element of the training. For example, the PC is used intensively for calculation and design on the screen, for the simulation of complex technical systems, for the control of machines and robots or for carrying out and evaluating measurements. The degree programme includes a complete practical semester (5th semester), which should be completed in an industrial company. The practical semester serves to apply and deepen the knowledge acquired in the study programme in practice. In addition, this time is to be used for further personality profiling and to sharpen the understanding of operational processes and requirements. In the final seventh semester, students write their Bachelor's thesis, demonstrating their ability to solve a challenging technical problem using engineering methods.

From a wide range of compulsory elective modules, you can choose further courses according to your inclinations and career ideas, which allow you to deepen your studies in individual areas. This applies to elective modules such as heat transfer, production automation, lightweight construction materials, machine acoustics, innovation management, etc. The aim is to provide a broad-based Bachelor of Engineering education that will enable you to start your career in many industrial sectors without any problems, such as mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive industry, the aerospace industry or environmental technology. This broad education enables you to react flexibly to changing professional requirements and situations.

Enrolment is in the winter semester.

Module overview

Semester 1
Mathematik I
Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
Fremdsprache I
Techinsche Mechanik I
Grundlagen Konstruktion
Werkstofftechnik und -prüfung
2nd Semester
Mathematik II
Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
Fremdsprache II
Technische Mechanik II
Grundlagen CAD
Ur- und Umformtechnik
3rd Semester
Maschinenelemente I
Technische Mechanik III
Konstruktives Gestalten
Strömungslehre I
Grundlagen der Messtechnik I
Trennende Fertigungsverfahren
4th Semester
Konstruktionslehre I
Strömungslehre II
Grundlaen der Regelungstechnik I
Grundlagen der Regelungstechnik II
Grundlagen Getriebelehre
Grundlagen der Messtechnik II
Trennende Fertigungsverfahren
5th Semester
6th Semester
Elektrische Antriebe
Konstruktionslehre II
Betriebswirtschaft und Businessplanung
Einführung in die FEM
Angewandte Mechanik
Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen
Wahlpflichtmodule 6. Semester
7th Semester
Konstruktionslehre II Praktikum
Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Businessplanung
Bachelorarbeit inkl. Kolloquium


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