EndNote is an internationally widely used reference management program that offers you several features which enables you to search literature, manage reference and cite correctly in the desired style.
As a member of our university you will receive a license for EndNote free of charge.
Please note: The user interface is only available in English.
- Managing and organizing literature
- Citing in text processing programs
- Create reference lists in over 6000 citation styles
- Researching in library catalogs and databases
- Import titles from library catalogs and databases
- Synchronize between EndNote Desktop and EndNote Web
- Work collaboratively in groups
Download & Installation
EndNote (version 21) is available at https://sags.rz.tu-ilmenau.de/.
Please authenticate yourself with your userID.
You will find all the important steps for installation in the instructions.
EndNote can also be used in the browser. To do this, log in with your account under EndNote Web.
Information Materials
If you have any questions about literature management and knowledge organisation with EndNote or don't know what to do next, you are welcome to take part in a training course.