What kind of materials can I borrow?
Books, CDs, DVDs and maps - recognizable by the white label on the spine.
How long can I borrow something?
- 4 weeks
- Extensions are possible twice if the books is not reserved by another user
- Please note: The new loan period counts from the day on which the media was extended
Which kind of materials can I only read in the library?
- Journals and periodicals
- Books from the reading room - recognizable by the red label on the spine
- Books from the reserved collections (also called Semesterapparat) - recognizable by the yellow label on the spine
The library account - ordering, extending & reserving

Books located in the closed stacks can be requested by clicking on the „Place a hold“ button in the KATALOGplus. It will be ready for you at the circulation desk the next day.
You can extend borrowed books and other materials twice
- at the lending desk
- via phone and e-mail
- or independently via your library account (tab "loans", select an item and click “Renew selected items”)
Please note: Books and other materials that have been reserved by someone else or have already been extended twice cannot be renewed.

You can reserve a book that is currently borrowed so that you are the next person in line.
Reserved books can not be extended again and must be returned in time for the current loan period.