
The knowledge of packaging and interconnection technology is deepened in the practical course of the microsystems technology lecture. In basic as well as complex experiments, the students can put the theoretically acquired knowledge into practice.
- Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Rüb
- Staff: Tina Bischof

The knowledge of coating technology is deepened in the practical course on the lecture complex Physics Technologies/ Microtechnology and Thin Films. In basic as well as complex experiments, the students can put the theoretically acquired knowledge into practice.
Important focal points in the practical course are:
- Design and operation of vacuum systems
- Coating by thermal vapor deposition
- Electron beam evaporation
- Coating by sputtering (DC, RF)
- Ion beam cleaning
- Measurement of device properties at low temperatures
- Fabrication of optical coatings
- Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Rüb
- Staff: Tina Bischof

The Physical Measurement Laboratory is a combined teaching and research laboratory.
Bachelor's students perform the practical experiments Flow, Temperature, Radiation, Particle, Layer Thickness Measurement and Focal Length Measurement as part of the Physical Measurement Technology module. Each of the experiments highlights a different area of experimental physics, provides the necessary physics background, and demonstrates different experimental techniques. In the 2nd semester of the Master's programs in Scientific Instrumentation and Materials Engineering/ Materials Engineering, the experiments Dielectric Hysteresis, Dielectric Permittivity, and Pyroelectric Depth Profiles are performed as part of the Materials for Sensors and Electronics module.
The research part of the laboratory includes setups for measuring impedance, current-voltage characteristics and preparing ferroelectric polymer films. These are used for research practicals, bachelor and master theses, as well as for research projects.
- Head: Prof. Dr. Bernd Ploss

The cleanroom consists of four separate booths with a total area of approx. 125m². The cleanroom class varies from 1000 to 10000. Various lithography techniques (electron beam, contact and distance exposure, interference lithography) are established in the cleanroom. In addition, wet chemical methods for isotropic etching of metals and anisotropic etching of silicon are available. A number of analytical methods for characterization of the fabricated structures are available.
In the laboratory practicals, students are trained in the fundamentals of common and future lithography processes and in the use of the materials and instrumentation required for these processes. The theoretical background is acquired in the lectures Physical Technologies/ Microtechnology, Microsystems Technology, Micro- and Nanostructures and Thin Films.
- 3 wet workstations
- KOH etching system for anisotropic silicon etching
- Inspection microscope
- Microscope Zeiss Axiovision
- Surface profilometer, DEKTAK³
- 4 Peak measurement
- Optical coating thickness gauge, FTP Advanced
- Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Rüb
- Staff: Tina Bischof

In the practical course on thin films and microstructuring, theoretical fundamentals for the design of masks and thin film structures, as well as their testing, are deepened.
The practical course is supplemented by simulations and an experiment on the temperature behavior of solar cells.
- Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Rüb
- Staff: Tina Bischof

The lecture on vacuum technology imparts, among other things, knowledge of physical principles for the generation and measurement of low pressures (vacuum), as well as their technical design. The accompanying practical course deepens the theoretically acquired basics.
Important focal points in the practical course are:
- Gas type dependent and gas type independent pressure measurement
- Setup, commissioning and measurement on a high vacuum pumping station
- Residual gas analysis
- Gas emission from plastics
- Permeation
- Leak detection
- Head: Prof. Dr. Harald Bergner