We offer excellent scientific and technical competencies in the fields of laser technology, optics, material sciences, ophthalmic optics, and precision and microtechnologies. All our study programs are accredited by the accreditation agency ACQUIN and internationally recognized. Through our cooperation with renowned companies, we enable practical studies.
The interaction of individual disciplines makes progress possible. This is already demonstrated by the successful collaboration between the precision mechanic Carl Zeiss, the physicist Ernst Abbe and the glass chemist Otto Schott. Their work led to the scientific breakthrough in the manufacture of optical systems and was the basis for the technical-scientific and economic rise of the city of Jena. Our range of subjects offers excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. We offer all the crucial disciplines for the development of optical instruments, scientific devices and high-tech processes.
The SciTec department has state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment that allow us to teach and conduct research efficiently. We offer all the prerequisites for sophisticated research. Numerous representative institutions, research facilities and companies draw on our resources time and again.